Winter Solstice
First Snow of the Season
I've been listening for the rain. But to no avail. Yes, actively listening, for we are in a drought, officially. And you can feel it - the air is so dry it crackles. It feels as if there is no substance - especially in a place where we are known for dampness and moisture as we are surrounded by water.
But then again there were signs that it would soon break. Clouds finally began to gather, although they would disperse quickly and disappear. But then, Thanksgiving morning we had a light snowfall, just a dusting of soft white. I was staying at a lake and the whole sky above the water was white. Just enough snow to cover the remnants of dry leaves that stuck to the grass. Even the birds seemed out of balance - gathering out front but without their usual gusto and somewhat hiding this year.
Well finally the rains started - complete with a deluge and severe winds as the seasons struggled through Autumn, now transitioning into Winter. And then we were hit full blast with a cold front - that bitter chill that made it feel like Winter indeed.
So how does this affect us? It is stressful enough to go through the season changes, but the extremes back and forth of hot and cold, dry and wet, seems to take its toll. All one can do is go with each day - especially to dress accordingly, get plenty of rest and eat well with warming foods and soups.
The human body is resilient and yes we can adapt, but being conscious of it is ever more helpful. The days end early with darkness yet already as of this writing, sunset is one minute later, so the Sun is making its return already.
For a complete list of tips for changing with the seasons go to past articles. As well there are tips for living a natural life - being out in nature - foregoing our electronic devices - having some quiet time for reflection and meditation - a time of being inward - to be reborn again in Spring.
Be Well
Beautiful imagery