Late Summer 2024
But it is the skies that appear to have the greatest change. For starting in May of this year, still Spring and not quite Summer, where we have been fortunate enough to see the Aurora Borealis this far south as a result of solar flares and coronal mass ejections and solar winds swirling. In this photograph the sky is covered with a greenish tint I've never seen before. A have a few photographs of green skies over the house as well in a suburban area late at night.
However, this season, mid August the sky has lit up with the most magnificent hues of pink and magenta, even here locally at our nearby beach. A wonder and a natural phenomenon to behold!
And so now with mid August we also approach Late Summer, yet another season, as indicated in traditional Chinese Medicine. Here is where we begin to transition, slowing down from the fiery pace of bright light and heat and Summer, as even the Sun begins to fade. Days are already noticeable as a little shorter. The cicadas, although in concert now, don't seem as robust as last year.
Soon it will be Fall, and this season helps to prepare us. Late Summer corresponds to the element of Earth. Everything is ripened, before the coming harvest, and preparing for the fruit of next year. All in our natural cycles. This short season seems to have qualities of all the seasons, fluctuating between hot and cool and extremes as things shift.
This element relates to nourishment, so the sense organ for this time is the mouth, the sense associated with this time is taste, while the body fluid is saliva. Here we start to incorporate more grains into our diet to prepare for Fall, then Winter. The organs connected to this time is the spleen and stomach. The spleen distributes the energy obtained from foods. The digestive system reflect the influences of diet, mental activity and emotions, the stomach being one of the most sensitive organs in our bodies. When we are nervous or under stress, do we not get butterflies in our stomachs?
One key thing during this time of Earth is to stay grounded, and nourish oneself, reflect upon where we have been. It often brings a sense of melancholy and longing, remembering special times we have just experienced over the Spring and Summer. Our diet should include the fruits and vegetables that are in season now, yes incorporating grains slowly and some nuts and seeds as well. All this should be done according to your own needs and comfort and to not over eat or be able to sense when some foods may be too heavy yet.
The color for this season is yellow, the direction is center, climate moist, the emotion we feel is that of sympathy. The sound is singing, the taste is sweet, like the harvest of honey. Try to enjoy these last days of Summer that can linger into Fall and take good care of yourself.
Again you can always read past articles on this blog for more tips.
Be well,
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