Monday, June 12, 2023

Summer Solstice - Warmth and Heart

Cooling off in Summer’s heat

  Well now Summer appears ready to arrive, yet hesitant. The Sun, when we can see it these days, is intense and burning, with a crystal clear quality, often to cloudless skies when it does shine. For as of late, everything seems to appear a monotone grey - the skies, the weather, with our sunny days few and far between, as the seasons seem reluctant to change, or take their time in doing so.

   Seasons used to be predictable, a slight overlap with either cooler or warmer days mixed in, but sometimes now it seems to be all one season, with variations in between. May and June used to be the two most beautiful months of the year here, but we had the heat on during the month of May, and in June the breezes are still chilly.

   Traditionally, June is the element of Fire in Chinese medicine, and yes you can still feel the presence of that. Yet the cooler days seem more reminiscent of Spring. The counsel might be to focus on cooling foods, drinks, as Summer does seem to be beneath it all.

   Not only is Summer a time of Fire, but also the heart. In all seasons it is important not to be in excess, and in Summer there is the possibility of burn out. We live fast and furious, inspired by our energy this time of year, when the Sun is at its peak. So balances are important.

   For a complete list of Summer diet, emotions and other counsels please see the previous posts for Summer.

   And as Summer’s emotion is Joy - have a joyful and pleasant Summer, and see you again in Late Summer, when the element of Earth takes precedence.

