Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Winter Solstice

The Hazy Sun of Winter

   The Winter Solstice is approaching. Already the darkness in early evening seems darker, all consuming. We retreat more indoors, slowing down, taking stock of the last year, and wondering where do we go to next. We are more inward, as the Fall fades into Winter and we have yet another time of transition for our health and well being.

   Winter is related to the element of Water, and so the organs associated with Winter are the bladder and kidneys. Although the kidneys are nourished by a colder climate, extreme coldness can be damaging or difficult, so it is important to keep warm. Warm soups and stews, layers of clothing, and a fireplace or place of warmth are ideal in Winter.

   The emotion which correlates to Winter is fear, while the senses affected are to due to with ears. Be careful to keep your head and ears warm, especially in cold winds, as the ears are more sensitive this time of year. The taste associated with Winter is salt - but remember to keep salt at a reasonable level, otherwise high blood pressure can result. The colors of winter are blue and black, which also remind us of water. 

   Despite the colder weather approaching, I still try to walk as much as possible, being outdoors, and getting some sunshine, even though the sun seems more hazy. Dressing warmly helps, as well as finding areas that are somewhat protected from the wind, for the wind makes things feel even colder. I have walked, in mid winter, in the mountains, with the trails covered with snow, and lots of ice everywhere. There is a quietness and stillness in the air. But on those walks they tend to be shorter and I retreat to the warmth indoors.

   And slowly, as we get through January here, the sun starts to set later in increments, as it makes its return. While indoors I get ready for plans for the Spring, when everything starts anew. Cycles, cycles, endless cycles of life.


Monday, September 11, 2023

The Last Day of Summer - Autumn Begins

    An ode perhaps to this last traditional day of summer, but it is not really true. Nature knows its own boundaries and seasons and not those we attribute to a calendar of our own making. Seasons come and go, onsetting gradually. A few days and nights of a coolness, a specific chill, but it merely seems to overly the last remnants of Summer. Already into September, we will be having a heat wave of consecutive days of 90 degrees Fahrenheit, already unusual in and of itself.

   The cicadas are still in full chorus day and night, although stronger at night, this nocturnal hymn, and usually the continue until the end of October, when the harvest had ended and days are even cooler. Not yet Winter, no longer Summer, Autumn has its own rhythms and speeds.

   A time of transition, it always signals changes, and a bit of physical stress as we attempt to adapt. There is a distinct slowing down after the fast pace of Summer, fueled by the very energy of the sun it seems. A time now to cleanse, prepare for Winter, to reflect on where we have come thus far.

   Birds feel the signal and gather to migrate to warmer climes - heeding the call to do so. Animals hide food in their new burrows, nests are long forgotten until next Spring.

   A harbinger of change and things to come.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Late Summer - More Changes

    Now we begin to transition into Late Summer. It’s always hard to pinpoint the exact time, for many claim it is the end of August, but still even as August onsets there is a different feeling to the season, to the Summer, not the full blazing glory of Spring and Midsummer - but a more tranquil time it seems.

   And so of course, we must shift with the seasons, which can be stressful to some degree, and so we must try to maintain healthy balances, and prepare for the Autumn and the Winter to come. It is a time to start reflecting on what has recently been, and ponder where we are going next.

   Harvesting of all kinds of produce begins, although I have to say with the heavy rains we had this Spring, and lack of sunlight, and then a searing heat wave in the Dog Days of July, a lot of produce has failed to ripen or grow to its maximum.

   In Chinese Medicine, as we have learned these past years, the time of Late Summer is connected to the element of Earth. And Late Summer is a short season, but yet an important one. The element of Earth gives us a sense of being grounded, providing a foundation. There are no solstices or equinoxes in this time. I think of it as a pivot between Summer and Autumn, again, a time of preparation for what is to come.

   And so what goes with Earth is the color Yellow. The quality, which we already sense, is transition. The sensory organs here are the mouth and taste, which also leads us to the organs of the stomach and spleen and digestion. Often in Late Summer our tummies are a bit sensitive, so we must eat lightly, and slowly increase the density, but not heavy. In the Autumn we need to increase heat, so we eat heavier foods and grains to prepare for winter.

   The smell associated with this element is fragrant - thinking of the flowers and their blooms with their sweet smells. The taste is sweet - the fruit that has ripened. The sound is singing. The emotions are sympathy and compassion. The climate is moist, while humidity, at least in this part of the world, is high.

   So this gives a flavor of this time and it is important to be in balance, not only now, but throughout the seasons. For me it is a good time for meditation, however I practice this regularly throughout the year.

   I hope this bittersweet Late Summer finds all of you well.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Summer Solstice - Warmth and Heart

Cooling off in Summer’s heat

  Well now Summer appears ready to arrive, yet hesitant. The Sun, when we can see it these days, is intense and burning, with a crystal clear quality, often to cloudless skies when it does shine. For as of late, everything seems to appear a monotone grey - the skies, the weather, with our sunny days few and far between, as the seasons seem reluctant to change, or take their time in doing so.

   Seasons used to be predictable, a slight overlap with either cooler or warmer days mixed in, but sometimes now it seems to be all one season, with variations in between. May and June used to be the two most beautiful months of the year here, but we had the heat on during the month of May, and in June the breezes are still chilly.

   Traditionally, June is the element of Fire in Chinese medicine, and yes you can still feel the presence of that. Yet the cooler days seem more reminiscent of Spring. The counsel might be to focus on cooling foods, drinks, as Summer does seem to be beneath it all.

   Not only is Summer a time of Fire, but also the heart. In all seasons it is important not to be in excess, and in Summer there is the possibility of burn out. We live fast and furious, inspired by our energy this time of year, when the Sun is at its peak. So balances are important.

   For a complete list of Summer diet, emotions and other counsels please see the previous posts for Summer.

   And as Summer’s emotion is Joy - have a joyful and pleasant Summer, and see you again in Late Summer, when the element of Earth takes precedence.



Sunday, March 5, 2023

March - Vernal Equinox - A Time of Change

Spring Thaw - March is Here

      Another change of seasons is upon us. March - the changeable, unpredictable, tempermental month as we transition from Winter to Spring. The light during the day is stronger, the air is crisp and clean, the winds seem to blow away the debris. Bits of winter still cling in bits of icy hail or frozen rain, yet melting by dawn it seems.

   And so it is a time of change, and also time for cleansing. All the toxins stored inside us in the Winter are now being released, so it is important to take care of ourselves, get proper rest, drink lots of water, and increase fresh vegetables and fruits, and decrease the heavy winter foods. Past articles on the seasons will reveal ways and means to be aligned with this season, to cleanse and renew

   Well for certain the plants and trees will be waking up from their Winter slumber and there will be new growth, new leaves, new blossoms. Although I must say I do plant Mediterranean Heather by the front door, because not only is it hardy in the winter and evergreen, but actually blooms in Winter - with tiny pink bells. Cheerful to see while waiting for the first crocus to pop up, and the daffodils, and the grape hyacinths.

   And the Spring thaw, the waters rushing down, also cleansing. Birds begin their migration back from their Winter headquarters. I love the sound of the water rushing, always so intense during Spring, or after some heavy rains. Everything is so alive and clean.

   So I hope dear friends you will enjoy this time, this season, and be well after a long Winter.
