Sunday, December 18, 2022

Winter Solstice Approaches

Dear Readers,

   You must forgive me, because I did not write for the Autumnal Equinox. It was not because I couldn’t but because I was caught in an awkward situation - waiting for the Late Summer to write, and waited so long it became too late, and we were on to Autumn. 

   Well I shall explain. I was getting ready for Late Summer, but it was declared to be mid August, but that felt too late. I was waiting to see how the days would unfold, and then suddenly it was late August and beyond the time of Late Summer - in Chinese medicine that is. A time when things start to slow down and change, a kind of transition if you will towards Autumn, but not necessarily Autumn yet.

   Then as the Autumnal Equinox approached, it suddenly got cold, as though it were late November, and the equinox went by in a blur. So as the Winter Solstice now approaches in a few days I am determined not to let it slip by. And yes in a few days we will get some very frigid temperatures that usually occur here in January or February. The winter brings its fury whether we are prepared or not. It makes me wonder what the rest of winter will be like. Cold blasts, followed by moderate stretches. I should have looked at this year’s Farmer’s Almanac. But then each year, each winter is unique to itself.

   A confusing season for sure - for even the hummingbirds did not migrate south until December 1st. Things were still growing in November, and I was still mowing the lawn, yet at the same time the golden leaves fell like rain in a heavy shower.

   Well the main focus for any of the seasons is to be able to adapt to the changes, both physically and psychologically. The days are shorter, prompting hibernation of sorts, but soon the days will start getting longer bringing more sunlight, that light we long for.

   So although this may not be the most exciting post, I have at least written. The counsels for the seasons are found within past articles for those who need it, and my writing has changed, now that I am writing books, which consumes much of my creativity..

   So that is all for now my friends. Perhaps writing more while in the Catskills for winter break, when all is frozen and silent….

Be well,


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Summer Solstice!

   It feels like Summer is finally here, and yet I am late in writing. Partly because it did not feel much like Spring or Summer - cool days, rainy days and dark nights - very little sunshine. And yet it really was Spring with plants and flowers and trees blooming albeit slowly. Somehow Spring folds into Summer each year as a season, but it is always hard to pinpoint that exact moment. There were times I was tempted to say Yes - Summer is here, but then the feeling faded and the heat was on in the house.

   Of course the calendar marks June 20th as the official solstice according to planetary and solar alignments. So be it. Either way it is now time to celebrate this wonderful time of year - and for me it is my favorite. It is possible to spend more time outdoors, plant new flowers, some new zucchini this year, feeling healthy and vibrant.

   I can also truthfully say it has been a very busy time, in that two of my books were published on Amazon - "Gluten Free Home Cooking - Tradition and Family" was live on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 and my third book "Monet and Me - Adventures in Life and Art" went live at the end of May 2022. It was alot of work with formatting and corrections and illustrations, photographs and covers, but well worth it. So yes, now in addition to the blog are my books on Amazon.

   But back to our blog and the season. Yes it is the longest day of the year, even though the Sun is at its northernmost point, in relation to earth that is. We celebrate the element of Fire in all its aspects, and especially Light. In some cultures around the world, bonfires are lit on the Solstice to maintain the Sun returning each year. Without sunlight there would be no crops, no growth. 

   You can go back in previous years for a full description of health according to the season of summer, but it is important to keep your diet and habits in tune with the season - such as fruits as they are cooling and vegetables are also important. You could go on and research just about food for each season. The emotions are both joy and sorrow when connected with Summer, but  at the moment life seems more joyful than it has been in awhile.

   So be well and see you again in Late Summer, if not sooner.



Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Chorus of Robins

A Chorus of Robins

   I woke to a chorus of Robins this week.

   Although Robins don't usually migrate here any more, they stay the winter, it still seemed to be a sign of Spring. Mind you it snowed, hailed and rained today, so no one can be sure what season we are in anyway!

   But really, although Winter was bitter, it seems that just as quickly as Winter had descended on us that things seemed to switch over to Spring just as suddenly, with just these few setbacks like today. The Sun is stronger, the light brighter and the cold not as harsh. There is definitely a sense of Spring in the air. And the Spring Equinox is just a few days away.

   That being said, we know that Spring is a time of cleansing. Already I have been incorporating more vegetables and fruits, rather than just comfort food. Time to release toxins, both physically and mentally. For a full account of Spring cleansing and the foods and customs associated with Spring, please see my earlier posts on Spring and well being.

   After a long winter, there is nothing like Spring.
