A New Season - A New Beginning
Dear Friends,
I don't know how many of you have been following this blog over the last few years from season to season, but now we are into Fall, according to the calendar anyway, but truthfully it didn't feel like Fall, and it was hard to write the usual column. So that, among other things, made me decide to change up the format a little bit.
For the main bulk of this blog I posted the seasons and what their changes and time required for well being such as diet, and other helpful tips. All of the seasons are still here for you to refer to, but really I wanted this blog to be about writing as well, and since I have ventured out into publishing my books, some on health, I want to talk about these new projects and talk more about life as it happens.
So I hope you will join me on this continuing journey of discovery.
My first book "Gluten Free on the Go - You Can Take It With You" was published in paperback on Amazon in May of 2021, and is also available as an ebook at a more reasonable price on Lulu.com. It is a guide to Gluten Free living for those who need to be gluten free, but also has stories of life and living, and often where an inspiration came for me to cook or create. As well there are photographs, all taken by me.
My second book "Gluten Free Home Cooking - Tradition and Family" has been written, and mostly ready for publication. It covers some of your favorite dishes and includes things like gluten free stuffing, gluten free cinnamon pumpkin pie for holiday dinners.
A third book "Gluten Free for Kids" is also in the works.
Although the theme is health and well being, I am also branching out into the arts. My fourth book is called "Monet and Me" on life and art, with sketches instead of photographs, and explores what influence art and artists have had on my life - famous artists I have met, or art that I admired, and my life journeys into art. The back cover of the book will feature an oil painting I did of me sitting in Monet's garden at Giverny, having a cup of tea, and Monet sitting in the garden at his easel painting. Also included are thoughts on famous artists like Van Gogh, Renoir, Leonardo DaVinci, as to who they really were and what was their art about.
So that is the beginning of this venture. I am also building a new website silverjourneys.wordpress.com which will feature some of my thousands of photographs and artwork.
I hope you will enjoy.
Maery (aka Mary McGrane)