Sunday, August 4, 2019

Late Summer - the in between Season from Summer to Fall

Late Summer Dawn
Late Summer - Transition Time

hanging with the Seasons - Late Summer

   Every year around this time, the beginning of August, a cold front comes through, making an unusually cool morning and day, that to me somehow signals the beginning of the end of Summer and the onset of Fall. Change is in the air. But this year, things are even more different than what I wrote about last year. I had noted extremes and changing back and forth, but this Summer was mostly searing heat for days on end, as though baking the earth. Even more unusual was the lack of wind. I have always enjoyed the cool sea breezes living on an island. It makes things cooler and seems to have a cleansing quality of its own. Instead of having a cold front that was noticeably different, all we had was some relief from temperatures in the 100's according to farenheit measurement. As August onsets I do feel a change, but it is one of being more grounded and organized.
   But there is much more about this time of year is called Later Summer in Chinese medicine, and so we must adjust once again, as the daylight hours begin to grow noticeably shorter.
   It is also a time when the harvest begins, so it is a good time for letting things go, while reaping the rewards of our endeavors at the same time.
   Late Summer is associated with the element of earth, which seems to make sense because it is the time of harvesting crops from the Earth, at least here in the U.S. With the influence of earth one can become more grounded, take stock of oneself and one's life, reflecting on the events of Summer and preparing for Fall.
   From the element of fire comes the production of earth, through the ashes, as we manifest things in the physical. Summer projects or ideas come to fruition.
   Earth also nourishes, for example when you think of Mother Earth, the maternal nurturing aspect. This season, according to Chinese medicine, governs the stomach and spleen, so digestion becomes important. All too often we see stomach viruses in the Summer/Late Summer cycle. We need to slow down and take care of ourselves, which is sometimes hard in the fast pace of today's society. So it is a good reminder to ourselves. The stomach and spleen work together to digest and give energy and nutrition needed. Diet, as always, is important, building in some heavier proteins, whole grains, seeds, nuts and beans instead of the light salads and juices of midsummer. But not to forget the fresh produce and vegetables as well, and not to go to extremes with alcohol or heavy meals. Of course do not change your diet or habits drastically if you have certain health conditions and always notify your doctor or health care practitioner of any changes you make.
   It is important to be flexible in this time of transition, and not to resist the changes that are coming. We begin to ease slowly from Summer towards Fall, then inevitably Winter.
   The sense organ associated with Late summer is the mouth and taste, so again to do with not only digestion and assimilation, but also nutrition and nurturing oneself. The mouth also enables us to speak out our ideas and expressions, and singing also goes with the element of earth. A doctor once told me singing is healthy - it gets out any locked up emotions or hidden angers. The sound of earth is singing, so this makes sense. So feel free to sing in the shower if you don't want anyone to hear you, or sing along in the car to the radio or cd's. 
   The fluid for Late Summer is saliva, which also helps us to begin the digestion of food, so have an Autumn harvest feast of fresh foods to celebrate Late Summer. The lips is the organ where you can detect imbalances, whether they are dry, cracked or peeling. This is an indication of imbalance somewhere in the body, and to do with the element of earth.
Rocks go with the element of earth
   The compass direction that goes with earth is the center, which is not surprising, as we try to ground and center ourselves at this time of year, through the influence of the element of earth. In Feng shui, the center of the house is to do with health and healing, so it is good to keep the center of the home clean and clear of clutter. Put a sparkling clear crystal in the center of the home to radiate the seven colors of the spectrum.
   The climate to do with Late Summer is moist, and here where I reside it is a time of high humidity. Humidity moistens things and allows things to grow and come to fruition and to have less friction. Too much moisture however can promote the growth of mold and too much dampness is not good either. People who despise humidity with a vengeance may have an earth imbalance. In contrast, think of the desert where it is so dry and hot. Or in the mountains of Colorado it is so dry that my skin would crack, and lungs would hurt to breathe, since I am accustomed to the moisture and humidity of the east coast.
   The emotion to do with earth is sympathy. Although it can be wonderful to be empathetic and sympathetic in our daily lives, especially towards others, there is always a danger here to be too giving. If you give too much and sacrifice yourself for others, you can be draining your own energy and emotional reserves. For those who give too much, learn to say no sometimes. And for people who are "cold" like the cold earth, learn to give some more warmth to self and others.
   The color to do with earth is yellow. It is a bright and cheerful color, and reminds me of the sun, and like the sun, yellow brings warmth into our lives. You can use the color yellow during this time, whether you have too much earth or not enough. Everything is a balance.
   The smell of Late Summer is fragrant, like the ripe flowers, berries and crops. Use aromatherapy with fruitlike scents or anything that is fragrant - like lavendar.
   The tissue with earth is the flesh and muscles, so it is a good time to build strength through exercise, and gain strength before the Winter months come.
   As we head toward Fall, things can become bittersweet, cherishing our memories but also knowing that now a new cycle begins.

Be well,