Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I Have Walked Along The Champs Elysee

In Paris.......

   It was summer time. I was staying in Paris, as my family flew ahead of me to Dublin, Ireland. It was a long time ago, before the September 11th attacks in New York, before so much turmoil and strife, when it was safer to walk the streets of just about any city.
   My main reason for visiting was to view the museums and art work, to see all the things I had learned about and yearned to see. The Louvre, Monmartre, cathedrals, shops, cafes, the River Seine, the people. I did not go to the Eiffel Tower, for me it had no interest.
A New Dawn for Paris
   After spending days upon days in the Louvre in the many floors and wings and art, and yes, gazing upon the lovely Mona Lisa, I ventured over the the Musee D'Orsay for the Impressionist paintings. When I was done I began to walk, and found myself on what was the Place de la Concorde. I was trying to cross the street to walk along the Jardins des Champs, but found it difficult to do so. The traffic was roaring past at very fast speeds, an endless stream of cars, with seemingly no break in any direction. As I stood there, I was feeling overwhelmed and somewhat dizzy, I thought from all of the noise and speed. I finally made it across and sat on a bench in the park for a few minutes to recover. Little did I know where I had been standing was where the guillotine was positioned for the French Revolution. It would be folly to think that had contributed to my confusion at that spot, but it does make one wonder. Does energy exist long after an event? Who knows.
   After my brief respite on the park bench, I continued down the Champs Elysee to the shopping area. After a day of the museum, and walking, it felt very different to be in the shopping district, with all the different people weaving in and out in their own kind of traffic. It was a much faster pace, larger crowds than the small streets near my hotel, the quiet cafes, the museum, the fashion district. I went into a few shops, wandering up and down, and went into a music store. At every location I go to I try to buy music from local artists, to get a feel for the people, its folklore and music. Because that, more than anything else, is where the heart of a land, a town, a city or country is found. It is expressed in the colors of clothing people wear, in the homes, the architecture, the language, the arts, the music, the books. I bought the music of a lady named Linda LaMay, not knowing who she was, but liking the sounds of what she sang. Other names come to mind like Edith Piaf with the song "La Vie en Rose" but really it is more to do with art and all the artists who have flocked to Paris, as well as authors, philosophers. The Age of Enlightenment.
   I was saddened to hear of recent violence on Champs Elysee, for it seems nothing is sacred any more. At least I had a chance to explore the avenue before this. To see the Arc de Triomphe at one end, built to honor Napolean's triumph, and the Luxor Obelisk at the other end at the Place de la Concorde, one of 3 obelisks taken from Egypt. Interesting they are found in London, Paris and New York.
   The world is connected in many ways, through its people and monuments, customs, art, folklore, our common needs and trials of everyday living. Celebrate those things that bind us and make us one, celebrate our honor our differences. What a difference that might make in the world.


Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Dear Friends,
We are now transitioning into Summer - after a wet and chilly spring that felt more like remnants of Winter. Weather patterns are changing and the world moves faster and faster which requires us to be flexible and to be able to adapt to the differences.
Summer is a glorious time so make the most of it. Below is a rerun of the information for health and balances for the Summer season, so enjoy and be well.

We ease from one season to the next. Summer is almost here, officially on the Summer solstice on June 21st. and as the seasons shift, our bodies must adjust once again to change.
   The days are longer, and on the solstice we have the “longest” day – that is the longest day of sunlight. Once we pass the solstice, each day sunlight begins to grow shorter by minutes as the Sun continues on its journey.
   The Sun is considered Yang energy in the Chinese tradition. We are active, we do more, and are more outward. Spring was a time of cleansing from Winter and a time of renewal or new birth. In the Summer season things grow and bloom and mature, and then in the Fall we have the harvest.
   In Summer we experience the element of Fire according to the Chinese 5 Element theory, and governs the heart and small intestines. The other systems connected to Summer are the Pericardium whoch protects the heart and regulates blood flow, heat and nourishment, and the second system is the Triple Warmer which maintains temperature and warmth.
   The heart is a central organ for the whole body, like the Sun is the center of our solar system. The heart controls everything, for without a heart beat we would not live. The heart is also to do with passion.
   The other organ connected with Summer is the small intestines, which digest and absorb nutrients, and separates out toxins.
   In the body, the Triple Warmer has the upper burner, the middle burner and the lower burner. The upper burner is located in the heart and lung area, the middle burner is by the solar plexus and relates to the stomach and spleen, as well as the gall bladder, liver and small intestines, and the lower burner by the area of the navel relates to the large intestines, bladder and kidneys. The Triple Warmer produces heat and energy through respiration, digestion and elimination.
   Going back to Fire, Fire’s circulation and heating are important to balance and function of the entire body. Fire brings vitality. We always feels more energetic in Summer.
   The direction for the Summer is the South.
   The color for Summer and Fire is Red.
   The emotions associated with Summer/Fire are joy and sadness, and excess of either is not healthy.
   The flavor for Summer is bitter, which is believed to strengthen the heart and small intestines.
   The peak time for the Sun is noon. So I try to accomplish things in the morning to catch the energy flow of the Sun at tis strongest. By 4 p.m. our energies start to naturally wane.
   The dominant time for the heart is between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
   The small intestine connects the stomach and large intestine, and nutrients that are absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestines go to the liver where it can be used or stored. The waste goes to the large intestine. It is wise to avoid inflammatory foods so that the small intestine will work smoothly, avoiding too much meat, dairy, breads and sugar.
Fire and Water
Fire and Water

   Although we are dealing mainly with the element of Fire in the Summer, you cannot address Fire without also mentioned Water, for Fire and Water balance each other, and in Chinese Medicine, as in all things, it is the balancing of things that is important.
   If your Water element is weak, Fire can burn out of control which can result in too much heat in the body and systems and organs or create inflammation, and inflammation is often a basis for illness to develop. When Water is too strong it can drown Fire and make one weak physically, and unable to take action.
   Fire is aligned to the heart in the body, while Water is related to the kidneys. Fire relates to the male and sexual energy, and gives life just like the Sun causes growth, while Water is more female and relates to the kidneys and bladder and governs the sexual organs. Water is receptive and also in turn nourishes, feeding growth.
   For Women, if their emotions (governed by Water) are not flowing well or they are too emotional due to stress, the result in the body can be congestion with Fire in the pelvic area and can result in inflammation or infection in the sexual organs.
   For men too much sexual activity without replenishment can cause Water to take over a weakened Fire, leading to congestion and result in back aches, loss of energy and lack of creativity.
   As for diet, with the heat of Fire and Summer, a cool and light diet is best. Fruits and vegetables are Yin or wet and cooling, while Yang foods heat us up like proteins (meat, nuts, seeds, legumes) and grains and dairy.
   No matter what, do not over burden the liver, so avoid fried foods or processed foods, or chemicals, or drugs, alcohol or caffeine in excess. Any organ that is abused during one cycle can show up as illness or disease in the next season.
   To replenish a weak Fire, the taste needed is bitter. So green leafy vegetables, endive, escarole, watercress and lettuce can nourish Fire. Light use of coffee or tea is also bitter, but I prefer not to have those in my own diet because of the caffeine, and also knowing what coffee can do to your body. Excess caffeine can also burn out the adrenals and lead to inflammation. Spices like cayenne, ginger or curry can add Fire to the blood for people with weak Fire.
   Another important aspect for Fire and to keep things balanced and flowing smooth is exercise. Summer time is a perfect time to be outdoors and engage in sports like swimming, biking, hiking, or even just taking a walk.

   Overall, when I think of Summer, I think of cooling and finding balance. Each person has to find what works for them, whether it is habits or diet or exercise. Cool drinks like water with lemon, or just plain water works well in Summer. But remember do not change your diet without consulting your doctor first. These are all just suggestions that correlate to the season of Summer. It is important to find what balances work for you.