Sunday, January 15, 2017

Winter and Toxins

   We talked last winter about toxins in the home. Windows are shut tight, the heating systems are on. It is a time when mold can grow indoors, and problems with dust can also increase.

   But what about toxins we are not even aware of that may exist in foods or packaging of foods?

   I recently read and article in a local healthy living newsletter that talks about some unknown dangers do chemicals such as BPA. BPA which stands for bisphenol A, is an endocrine disrupt or linked to development problems in fetuses, infants and children. And although many food manufacturers have removed BPA from packaging, it can still be found in the linings of canned goods.

   There is a group called the Environmental Working Group has created a way for us to find out which foods may contain BPA. All you need to do is go on their website and check the list for offending UPC codes.

   Their website is

   Remember winter is a time when our bodies store things, do not let an excess amount of chemicals be one of those toxins we do not want.

Another tip - remember that house plants will also clear the air of indoor toxins.

Be well