Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Month of March - A Time to Cleanse

   March is the beginning of many new things as the seasons begin to shift and change, leaving winter slowly behind, and spring fast approaching. Sunlight has already increased, the days are longer, the quality of the sunlight is so brilliant it is inspiring.
   And with all of these changes beginning to onset slowly, our bodies naturally start to cleanse and shed the toxins gathered in winter. Although March 21st marks
The First Crocus of Spring
the official beginning of spring, there seems to be signs of spring already. For the first time in a long time the birds were out and singing. The  neighborhood hawk returned, seeking food no doubt. There is a warmth in the air. Things are beginning to grow and the grass is turning green, sun light is pervasive.

   So how to best facilitate the process?
   Cleansing is one of the most important aspects of spring, but first is to look at the approach to the season of spring through Chinese medicine. Spring is represented by the element of wood and governs the body organs of the liver and gall bladder. Wood governs trees, plants, humans, anything that is living and grows. Trees have roots, a trunk and limbs, humans have the spine, and limbs and joints.
   People with a severe wood imbalance may have spinal issues, rigidness in their bodies and personalities, arthritis flare ups, joint pain, bone issues.
   The color for spring is green. Pale green is new growth, while dark green is old growth. You can see this clearly in ivy, for the new shoots are green and the old growth is dark green.
   If a person strongly craves or dislikes green intensely it may suggest an imbalance in wood.
   But the color green can also be very healing. Spring represents new life and birth. Most animals have their young in the spring. In spring we have new ideas, inspirations, fresh starts and new beginnings. Spring always inspires and moves us into action.
The Rabbit Has Returned for Spring!

   The element of wood also gives us clarity and the ability to focus and plan things. If you cannot seem to ever manifest or plan things you could have weak wood element. If you overcompensate and try to control everyone and everything around you, you could have excessive wood energy.
   The direction for spring is the East, for the sun rises in the east. Wood clearly governs the morning hours of the day. Do you ever notice how fresh each new day seems to be?
Trees represent the element of Wood

   The climate that goes with spring is the wind. March, at least here, is a very windy month as things begin to transition from winter to spring, and wind has a certain quality of cleansing to it. Nothing remains stagnant when there is wind, and things can be blown away. Wind can nourish wood, but too much wind is not good either. As an example of too much wind, it can lower one's resistance in general, spark up your allergies, make you feel imbalanced, stir up sinus issues, skin issues, and watery or red, irritated eyes, nose and throat.
   The eyes in general are the sense organ for the liver, and the sense associated with wood is sight. What do you see or perceive? Fluids like tears go with wood as well, and tears help us to shed the past. 
   The taste for wood is sour. Some sour tasting foods will nourish the liver. If you crave sour or vinegar intensely or dislike sour flavors intensely it might be a sign of wood imbalance. Other than vinegar, drinking lemon water goes with wood, and also cleanses the liver.
   The emotion associated with wood is that of anger, and shouting. Anger injures both the liver and gall bladder. Sometimes when people hold in anger or suppress it in any way it builds up toxins.
   The tissue associated with wood is muscles, ligaments and tendons. This makes me think of strength, making and keeping muscles strong, as well as being flexible. You may notice towards the end of winter muscles may feel somewhat weak, but then as spring progresses you may start to feel stronger.
   The element of Wood can sometimes be controlling and inflexible. There was a family who called me in for a consultation for their new home, and the entire interior was all heavy wood. My recommendation for that home was to add some of the color white to introduce some of the element of Metal to tone down the Wood influence. There was just too much wood. Too much wood can make a person dull, rigid, unexpressive or a tyrant.
   The organ that goes with Wood is the liver. The liver processes out toxins. Liver also has the word "live" inside it. Everything we eat, drink or take including vitamins or medications much be processed through the liver. We can become dull or lethargic if our liver is toxic and unable to process out all the toxins. The first line of toxicity is the kidneys. Once the kidneys become toxic, then the liver also becomes clogged and toxic, so the toxins stay in the body. So that is why we cleanse in the spring, to rid the body of toxins accumulated during the winter months.
   The liver is also a storehouse for nutrients, so it is much more than just processing out toxins. If your liver is toxic, most likely you will not get as much nutrition as you need.  The liver produces vile to help in digestion and then stores the bile in the gall bladder, which is later used in the intestines to break down fats. Too much fat in a diet could over burden the gall bladder. The liver also metabolizes carbohydrates, fats and protein, and also plays a role in blood sugar metabolism, and it also forms gamma globulin and plasma proteins for the immune system. It also makes agents for clotting blood, and both forms and stores vitamins A, D and B, as well as minerals like copper, zinc and iron.
   So things that affect the liver negatively are overeating, too much alcohol or drugs, too many chemicals in food or water, fried foods and heavy meats. Refined sugar and white flour is also stressful for the digestive system. Including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (in moderation), seeds, nuts and beans is more nutritious and supportive to our organs.
   In Chinese medicine, a clogged or malfunctioning gall bladder can result in physical and mental congestion in the shoulders and head, as well as the hips and thighs, and is often a cause for headaches.

   There is no set rule for cleansing, for each person has individual needs, and people should not cleanse without letting their healthcare professional know.
   So for some people it means juicing for a few days and fasting in between, and there are many different cleanses available online or in books. 
   It can be as simple as drinking more water, adding more fruits and vegetables and greens to your diet as you see fit.
   Some people use herbs to detox, but again, your doctor should know about anything that you attempt. You can drink herbs in the form of teas if you wish.

   So good luck with whatever you do to celebrate spring, for a healthier, happy you!


Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Stillness of Winter
Northport Bay in Winter

   We are still in the midst of February, with one of the coldest days/nights in 20 years. There is still a blanket of snow and ice on the ground, and the winds are fierce. But the Sun is shining, bringing much appreciated warmth and brightness despite the bitter chill. And although I have always found that when it snows there is this great stillness, especially at night, it seems that indeed, according to scientific facts, that snow actually absorbs sound. And yet the stillness can be quite magical and peaceful. In the dark night sky you can see the stars more clearly on these winter nights as well.
   Driving to the water today, Long Island Sound and Northport Bay, I was caught by how crisp and clear everything looked. When seeing the trees against the winter blue sky, the trees seemed darker in contrast to the bright white light of winter. Everything was frozen. The birds were all clustered in groups. The doves were on my front steps enjoying the Sun, and not happy when I had to exit the house and disturb their roost, with my apologies. And I was happy to see that the new fawns that the community adopted have survived the winter so far; someone had left them food which they eating while I drove by. (*Please note: it is usually not recommended to feed wildlife as we usually give them foods their systems are not designed for - but in this case it was an emergency as the doe we think died and the buck was probably taken by hunters so these fawns are alone - so it can be difficult for people to decide what to do but it is winter and bitter cold)
   These are the things to take note of in living a natural life, by observing and detecting and taking note of your surroundings. It connects a life to the more natural things, instead of computers and televisions and Iphones or worrying about money. Of course we need to use telephones and cellphones and computers, but we can also make the time for some of what is around us. Even in a city, you can take a walk in the fresh air, still see the sky and stars. I worked in Manhattan for ten years and had many wonderful experiences all over town, for the traffic and the people and activity would flow like a river, even if frenzied, it was still like a live thing, for these were people's lives entwined in the same space. Or get out of the city for a ride into the suburbs or go to a park like Central Park.
View of Eaton's Neck/Duck Island, Northport New York
 Even though the temperatures today are below zero (farenheit) I still managed to take some pictures which I will share with you here. The Bay is not frozen, the water is active and there are waves, although in the photographs it looks frozen in time or space, an illusion. In the distance are the woods and houses on Eaton's Neck, with the remains of snow along the shoreline. It was mild before the cold spell, so the Bay has not frozen.

   Surprisingly Long Island Sound, a huge deep body of water that separates Long Island and Connecticut, did not have such high waves with such strong winds. Only the marsh land has ice where the high tide has receeded, and the ducks are huddled together inland.
Crab Meadow Preserve

   I'll carry these images through the night and see what tomorrow brings.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Winter and Indoor Pollution

Winter and Indoor Pollution

Cinnamon Fern

   Winter is here, and we close the windows, turn on the heat. Everything has a sense of being locked in. Over the last few years we have all become more conscious about not burning so much fuel for heat, so we have made our homes more insulated to keep the warmth in.
   However, in doing so, it is good to be aware of pollutants inside the home.
   The first items are mold and dust. Mold is generally more of a problem in Autumn when the leaves are decaying, and in Summer and Spring when the heavy rains come. In Winter, mold cannot live below a certain temperature, but we have had a relatively mild winter, and mold issues are increasing. Dust is always present, which is why we must clean on a regular basis. Many people have or can develop allergies to mold and dust.
   But the other things to consider are things like the materials we clean with. Most chemical ingredients in every day cleaners are somewhat toxic, and with the windows closed and no ventilation it is worse. It is recommended to purchase cleaners online or in health food stores that do not contain harmful chemicals. Or it is possible to use vinegar for cleaning, or herbs like rosemary or mint that both have a medicinal quality.
   Most people are not aware that often carpets in homes also have chemicals or are made of materials like acrylic. Area rugs made of wool or jute are non toxic as an example of an alternative. And the glues that many companies use to hold down wall to wall carpet are also toxic. Natural flooring like bamboo or cork are other good alternatives. The point is, shop around.
   I myself have wood floors. But I did not stain them - I left them natural and after they were sanded I had the professionals apply a water based polyurethane that is less toxic. Even so, after the floors were done I left the windows open for 2 weeks to air out the whole house. Looking back I would not have opted for the polyurethane but simply put area rugs down, which can be washed or replaced.
   One of the dangers of new wood, is that when wood is new it off gases formaldehyde. That new house smell or that new car smell? That is formaldehyde. If you have wood in the house that is old, not to worry, it is no longer off gassing most likely.
   Some solutions are to open your windows occasionally. I sleep with one window open a crack so I can smell the fresh air and bundle up with blankets for warmth. Another solution of course is to use natural materials whenever possible. You can slowly begin to replace old materials for new. Nontoxic cleaners will also help.
   Another one of my favorite solutions is the use of plants. Plants are excellent at removing toxins from the air. Just note that at night plants off gas carbon dioxide, so don't add them to your bedroom where you sleep, although many say the amount of carbon dioxide is minimal.. My living room and desk area have lots of lovely plants. There are many varieties that will grow indoors in any kind of light. Pothos will grow in dark rooms. I also have 2 ferns, which need filtered light, and not too much water, but you can't let them dry out either. Peace lilies are also nice, requiring moderate sunlight. If you have enough light African violets add some color to your home. But never get the leaves wet on African violets for they will wither and die. Spider plants are also easy to take care of and grow a great deal, making new shoots of growth that are like baby tiny plants, and their green and white foliage is unique. Philodendrons are also supposedly easy to grow, although I have not had any experience with them. The same with Diffenbachia, which also has varigated green and white broad leaves that are attractive. Again it depends on how much light you have and what is available in your area. Also remember that some plants and flowers can be toxic to pets and young children.
Ahh, clean fresh water from a mountain stream in Upstate New York
   Today most paints are less toxic than they used to be. Remember that strong paint odor after painting a room? That is the VOC's - volatile organic compounds - but there is less in the paint these days. You can shop around for the best brands that have the lowest amount of VOC's. Even so, if I paint, I open the windows. Very often people will paint a new baby's room before the arrival, but if done too soon the chemicals will still be lingering. If painting at all it should be done several months before the expected birth, and the room should be aired out regularly for those months.
   Another suggestion is an air purifier which will remove alot of toxins and pollutants, as well as allergens.
   For those who use air conditioners in the summer, air conditioners will also remove alot of pollutants and allergens, especially helpful for those who have allergies and or asthma. But air conditioners do use alot of electricity, so each person can decide on their own what works best for them.
   I hope this has been helpful, but at least you can be more aware of your surroundings and take steps to make your home as clean as possible. 
   In addition to reading articles, some of what I have learned came from taking at course at the International Institute of Bau Biologie and Ecology, which emphasizes building with and using natural materials.

Be well, live well and live naturally